The University of Santo Tomas, my alma mater, located here in the Philippines, just celebrated its 400th year of existence last January 28, 2010. It is the oldest university in Asia, even older than Harvard University, and I’m just so proud that I was alive to celebrate it.
I graduated only last year with a bachelor’s degree in AB Communication Arts and may I honestly say that, looking back just now, I cannot believe I graduated. Lol
I wasn’t, however, able to attend the grand celebration on the said date, January 28th, but I did go to the Quadri-centennial countdown which took place the night before. It was an awesome experience and it was definitely one of the best nights of my life. I felt so proud and so blissful along with many of my schoolmates as we watched the unveiling of the QuattroMondial monument. Undeniably a night to remember, hence, it was a day that will go down in history.
Once again, congratulations to the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines. I love you, UST.
Watch the video below for the excellent fireworks display during the celebration.
DISCLAIMER: The photos posted here are not mine.
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